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A Statement from the ARITF | 10.27.23

The Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) underscores our unwavering commitment to supporting survivors of sexual abuse in pursuit of healing and justice. Along with many others, we are now aware of concerns about the legal actions of various entities connected to the Southern Baptist Convention. We also understand the deep impact that these actions have had on the survivor community. As a task force with a limited mission, we had no knowledge or involvement in the legal issues surrounding various entities nor gave input in these matters.

We remain resolute in our commitment to fulfilling the will of the Messengers by bringing meaningful and permanent abuse reform to the Southern Baptist Convention in response to their repeated affirmations and demands for such reform. We will continue working diligently toward the launch of Ministry Check and additional reform measures within our purview, to help ensure predators do not have access to the vulnerable within our churches or entities. We are also committed to securing a long-term home for abuse prevention and response as instructed by the Messengers to equip Southern Baptist churches and entities to better prevent and respond to abuse and provide care for survivors.

To better understand the issues being discussed please read: 2019 SBC Resolution “On The Evil of Sexual Abuse” 

  • RESOLVED, That we ask civil authorities, in the implementation of due process for the accused, to review laws, in consultation with social workers and trauma counselors, to ensure that privacy laws do not prevent the pursuit of justice on behalf of the abused, and that statutes of limitations (criminal and civil) do not unduly protect perpetrators of sexual abuse and individuals who enabled them;