FAQ on the ARITF’s 2024 Report & Recommendations

These FAQs help explain some of the things mentioned in the ARITF 2024 Report & Recommendations and they may be updated periodically until Tuesday, June 11. 1. What is the purpose of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF)? The ARITF was created by the messengers in 2022 to implement meaningful and lasting abuse reform

Shedding Light on Child Abuse Awareness Month

April marks the observance of Child Abuse Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the prevalence and devastating impact of child abuse in our communities. For the Southern Baptist Convention, this month should serve as a crucial reminder of the responsibility we bear in safeguarding the most vulnerable among us each week in

A Statement from the ARITF | 10.27.23

The Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) underscores our unwavering commitment to supporting survivors of sexual abuse in pursuit of healing and justice. Along with many others, we are now aware of concerns about the legal actions of various entities connected to the Southern Baptist Convention. We also understand the deep impact that these actions